Paul's World

Saturday, July 29, 2006

my new summer addiction

i have a thing for sidekicks, and this guy, carlos bernard, plays tony almeida, jack's right hand man. he's way beyond three t's, but i haven't decided how many yet. who knew i was the tall, dark, and handsome type?

mom's new summer addiction

Sunday, July 23, 2006

chicago part II

so this is a picture of part of chicago's skyline from the seadog. and i must say, i really enjoyed chicago, i mean loved it, but how could you ever live there? there's no parking!!! and everything's crazy expensive! case in point:

the rainforest cafe. we actually saw one at the mall in nashville last year and were like ha! as if anyone can afford to eat here! well we're driving through chicago and we see this big kids eat for 2.99 or w/e. turns out that's only weds. so it was really expensive, and the food was kinda blah, and you had to get the valet parking, cuz there's nowhere no park, but it was sooo much fun!!! you totally pay for the experience and it's worth it... is. you walk in and there's a pool with alligator and then you go up the stairs and there's a waterfall with a rainbow. and our table was under the stars that were all lit up and then to our left were these three gorillas, and down to our right there were elephants. and trees and birds and monkeys everywhere. and then it was brian's birthday so he got this volcano thing, and they all come out saying "VOLCANOOOOOOO" or w/e and there's a sparkler on top of a mountain of ice cream and brownies. even the bathrooms were really cool.

instead of a pic, for now imagine kelly, katie, and i all working very hard over tiny scraps of fabric

we also went to a children's museum too actually and kelly and katie kind of made these stuffed animals out scraps of fabric and staples...yes stuffed animals out of staples. i really didn't get it either but oh well. why would anyone want a stuffed animal with staples? oh yea. glue that doesn't work too. alas. but kelly made a kind of grey dog and katie this reddish-purplish cat and it was the funniest thing ever because the next day we went to the ball game and the head/nose/legs/w/e are falling off and kelly just looks at mom and i and says (in the most serious, depressed voice too) "i hate this dog" it was the funniest thing ever

chica-go I

yay! okay, so this is the seadog. the little yellow boat. and for our first day in chicago we went to the navy pier, and walked around, it was so awesome! they had this stained glass window museum, honestly? why wouldn't you want to be catholic? and we rode this boat! and they gave us a little tour of the city from lake michigan. really beautiful. and then! in one of our hotels on the way back we were ...well i ... was watching food network and the whole haagan daz new flavor thing and the one lady was doing hers, the lady that won, i still need to try sticky toffee pudding at the navy pier! it was awesome!

more pics! and i hope it doesn't make loading this page really slow!

and this is all just taking way to long! so i am off! and the next set of pictures, hopefully, will be chicago! yay! but its soo sad, because i took like 240 pictures or something, but it takes to long to load... oh well. but on the bright side, i fixed my earlier mistake!

dang nab it, okay so the pic w/my shoes at the drive in isn't working... will try again later

these are my shoes.... actually, just one is mine, the other's is jolenes... at the drive-in! drive-ins are the best things in the world!!! soo much fun! we went with maryann, jolene, and em, and a few of their cousins from the other side of there family and played ultimate frisbee, and painted toenails, and those younger than twelve rode this little train that goes in a circle around the lot. and we took lots of pictures! and then it was a double feature! so we saw over the hedge first, and i really enjoyed it, though if had been a bit less environmentalisty, i might have enjoyed it more. but the "rosebud" thing!! hahaha! and i could definitely relate with the whole home owners association thing. then we saw garfield two, and that was definitely a dud. soooo bad. soo very bad. like beyond terrible. bill murray! what happened? sigh. but the next week cars and pirates was coming and jolene and i really wanted to go, but it didn't work out, as we were kind of at adventureland and then packing up to leave. but ohmigosh! i love cars. i've seen it three times now!

these are austin's shoes. (we had to finally throw my adidas out) how did they gets so dirty you ask? we went splunking. aka, climbing around in really muddy caves for eight hours. it was totally wicked!!! we went with our uncle kelvin from dad's side of the family... well it's kind of just him and grandma and grandpa on that side, but w/e. not worrying about that anymore! ha! and anyways, so at the maquoketa caves, there are about sixteen? i think caves that you just kind of crawl into all day, some are really big and some are really, really tight, or they'll be tight and then open up into a larger room, our favorite was the wye cave. you had to climb down first, it was kind of like this hole in the ground, and then there was a really big room and from there you squeezed through a hole that was just larger than uncle kelvin and then it was a big room , and then from there you could go one of two ways. the one way there was this permenant... like dip and then rise and then dip in the ground from where a ton of people had crawled through on their knees and the other you could stoop through to a certain point and then it of course gets to small or tight to go any further, but we spent an hour in that particular cave alone, and oh yea... there's lots of water in these caves, and the water is all really wet and really cold.

darn it, their going backwards. anyways. sooo for that night, the fourth that is, we went over to grand mound, which is like one of the tinest towns ever, but every year they put on an outofthisworld fire works display, people come all the way up from the quad cities to see it, but lucky for us, my great aunt happens to have a back yard from which you can see most of the fireworks! yay! and laura got a little scared, but the kelly and katie absolutely loved it! half of the time kelly was singing this song about banging booming fireworks or something. it was great.

okay, so this is the insanely amazing view from my aunt and uncles's kind of like their backyard, and then a big cliff, and then the mississippi river. they had the fourth of july party there/their son just graduated and is now a real police man thing. lots of fun!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Interesting Story......... I have a good boys are stupid story to share with you guys....I was on my way home from work last night and I'm sitting at the red light right before you get onto the 540 exit and I had my windows down because it was a beautiful night and I had my music on....all of a sudden I hear someone next to me going hey, hey and so I turn up my music louder and they keep yelling at me and so I turn up my music even more but they keep yelling at me so I'm like ok and I turn down my music and I'm like what? The guy in the passenger seat is like my friend wants to say hey and this guy who was sitting all the way in the back leans out the passenger's window and was like I just wanted to tell you that I think you're beautiful and I'm like um...thanks? And he's like what's your name and I'm like Amanda (that's all I tell him) and he's like, my name is Matt and I just wanted to tell you that I think you're really beautiful and again I'm like thanks...then the guy in the passenger seat is like that's just his way of asking for you number and I'm like nope and the guy's like what you have a boyfriend and I'm like yep that's exactly it and then the light turns green and I speed off because I didn't want them to follow me or anything like that. So that's my boys are stupid story for the day...the moral of this story is watch out for guys in cars when you have your windows down and if they do happen to ask for your number, give them this number: 890-3335 that's the Raleigh Police department's number or you could give them this one: 890-3555 that's the Detective department's number. So always keep those numbers handy!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006


huzzah for going the really long way and cheating the system...kinda!

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by echome7

sooo this is the train at happy joes! and it goes around up high near the the ceiling if you put in a quarter, and then if it stops in one of the four special places you can get a free sundae or small drink or small pizza, it's a source of much entertainment. we always go to happy joes the afternoon we get there and sooo wonderful. we went with our cousins jolene, emily, and aunt maryann (steve's family) and then grandma and grandpa of course!

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by echome7

these are all the little prizes we won. they have a few games in this one little room like a basketball, and a broken skeeball/soccer thing and the light goes back and forth and you hit it on bonus you get the two hundred tickets or w/e. so grandma gives us each a few quarters and we had enough for everybody to get a cute little plastic finger puppet, i got a purple monkey.

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by echome7

shoes in iowa city! iowa city is so nice and clean! i love it. though it is really, really liberal. iowa's funny that way. like dubuque is the most amazingly catholic city, and it's liberal! but anyways. so we went up to iowa city one day, we have an aunt and uncle up there, and my aunt is the head of the children's department in the library downtown. well outside of the most awesomest library i have ever seen there are...

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by echome7

fountains!!! yay!!! there are these five holes in the ground and they spit water out in an arch and soo much fun!!!! there's also a...

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by echome7

playground!!! yay!!! and it's really nice too, not just a dinky little jungle gym set.

okay, onto the next set of pictures!

please work!!!

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by echome7

okay, so these are my shoes underneath the steering wheel of our car, and even though it was kind of taken in the middle of the trip, i'm putting it at the beginning.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

on another note!

OMG!!! sooooo we were in our hotel, coming back home, and we'd crossed the whole time zone thing and gained an hour so it's 11:00 or w/e and none of us are tired. so finally we turn on the tv and start flipping through the channels and GUESS WHAT WAS ON!!! yes, the mighty morphin'power rangers!!! unfortunately we missed the theme song, but ahhh!!! it was soo much fun watching the episode!! there was jason, and trini, and zach, and billy, and kimberly! and it was one of the first episodes w/tommy, i think it was right around when he was becoming the green ranger or something, but it was "to be continued..." and austin and i were sooo upset. so anyways, we got home and realized we'd given away our old power rangers movie, so when we went to the used book store today we got one!!! and then the girls watched it for there rest time, so that's their new thing!!! power rangers! it's sooo funny, and i realized wow, all they do is say a bunch of cheesy lines like "bolder breath" and "hey, i've got a bone to pick with you" while fighting a bunch of bad guys, and it was soo funny and such a blast from the past, i loved it!

but i also realized how much it influenced me, because as i was watching it, it was like, "oh yea, that's why i thought shirts that showed your tummy were cool" Kimberly did it. i thought she was just the greatest. and it was kinda scary and sad to think how much influence tv stars to have on kids, and how so few of them use it
well. but that was my little adventure in the hotel, sooo sad my pictures aren't uploading, they only work from the internet, not my own computer. sigh. oh well!


so iowa was basically fantastic!!! i love that place soooo much!!! lets see...we got there on...hmm i don't even remember, but i'd like to put upkind of a picture diary for you guys, and i'm such a dork, but i've been taking pictures of my shoes everywhere i've gone this summer, sooo great! soooo let us begin... hopefully...okay... so not working. at all...durgh!!!! what am i gonna do??!?!