Paul's World

Thursday, July 20, 2006

on another note!

OMG!!! sooooo we were in our hotel, coming back home, and we'd crossed the whole time zone thing and gained an hour so it's 11:00 or w/e and none of us are tired. so finally we turn on the tv and start flipping through the channels and GUESS WHAT WAS ON!!! yes, the mighty morphin'power rangers!!! unfortunately we missed the theme song, but ahhh!!! it was soo much fun watching the episode!! there was jason, and trini, and zach, and billy, and kimberly! and it was one of the first episodes w/tommy, i think it was right around when he was becoming the green ranger or something, but it was "to be continued..." and austin and i were sooo upset. so anyways, we got home and realized we'd given away our old power rangers movie, so when we went to the used book store today we got one!!! and then the girls watched it for there rest time, so that's their new thing!!! power rangers! it's sooo funny, and i realized wow, all they do is say a bunch of cheesy lines like "bolder breath" and "hey, i've got a bone to pick with you" while fighting a bunch of bad guys, and it was soo funny and such a blast from the past, i loved it!

but i also realized how much it influenced me, because as i was watching it, it was like, "oh yea, that's why i thought shirts that showed your tummy were cool" Kimberly did it. i thought she was just the greatest. and it was kinda scary and sad to think how much influence tv stars to have on kids, and how so few of them use it
well. but that was my little adventure in the hotel, sooo sad my pictures aren't uploading, they only work from the internet, not my own computer. sigh. oh well!


  • I missed you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe that they showed the original power rangers!!!!

    By Blogger Mandy, at 11:59 AM  

  • awww i missed you guys soooo much too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    what all have i missed out on??? has lots been happening back at home?

    By Blogger an attendant lord, at 11:08 PM  

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