Paul's World

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Interesting Story......... I have a good boys are stupid story to share with you guys....I was on my way home from work last night and I'm sitting at the red light right before you get onto the 540 exit and I had my windows down because it was a beautiful night and I had my music on....all of a sudden I hear someone next to me going hey, hey and so I turn up my music louder and they keep yelling at me and so I turn up my music even more but they keep yelling at me so I'm like ok and I turn down my music and I'm like what? The guy in the passenger seat is like my friend wants to say hey and this guy who was sitting all the way in the back leans out the passenger's window and was like I just wanted to tell you that I think you're beautiful and I'm like um...thanks? And he's like what's your name and I'm like Amanda (that's all I tell him) and he's like, my name is Matt and I just wanted to tell you that I think you're really beautiful and again I'm like thanks...then the guy in the passenger seat is like that's just his way of asking for you number and I'm like nope and the guy's like what you have a boyfriend and I'm like yep that's exactly it and then the light turns green and I speed off because I didn't want them to follow me or anything like that. So that's my boys are stupid story for the day...the moral of this story is watch out for guys in cars when you have your windows down and if they do happen to ask for your number, give them this number: 890-3335 that's the Raleigh Police department's number or you could give them this one: 890-3555 that's the Detective department's number. So always keep those numbers handy!!!!!!!!


  • yay!!! good stupid story!!! actually a very scary stupid story and i have a scary story too! i was driving just up the road to my house, maybe half a minute away, and there's a DOUBLE YELLOW LINE. but somebody obviously didn't care about that, and the fact that I was in the lane across from him. so this stupid person, just starts going around the car in front of him right towards me, and i slow wayyyyyy down, practically to a stop, but does the stupid car speed up to try and get around? get back to his proper place in line? no, he keeps going and so the person he was passing gets way over in this...not really a lane lane, and thankfully there was enough room but OHMIGOSH! people are idiots!!!!

    and that was my story!and thank you for the numbers!!!!

    By Blogger an attendant lord, at 11:06 PM  

  • wow that's an incredible dumb thing that that person did!!! i'm so glad that there was no accident or anything like that!!!

    By Blogger Mandy, at 2:07 PM  

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