Paul's World

Friday, May 05, 2006

here goes nothing...

so had been really fine, and now feeling kinda...nervous!!!! i am about to take the real SAT....what???? not PSAT or duke tip SAT, but the SAT. and when you think about it, this test tomorrow morning is the beginning of the rest of my life!!!! so. no pressure.

though, i do suppose i can just take it six more times like some people right?


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    durgh. wrong musical. anyways. so it was fine. not particularly good or bad...just fine. results come out in a couple of weeks right?

    it was sooo weird being back there. do you do this too r4s? think what would it have been like if i was still there? and there are a few ppl that i do miss, and OMG!!!!! i have one of the best h-o-t-t-t stories ever!!!! actually, its not that great, but it made my day!

    until i got to church for first communion practice and realized that mrs. c's decorations/reservations matched the skirt i bought friday ($6! too) specifically for first communtion. it made me happy. and that sounds shallow, doesn't it? but my second graders and God made me very happy too! and mrs. dA!!! sooo excited, but we'll see....

    and then scary-scary-scary driving story. i was soo exhausted and i was pulling out of st joes and i'd just waited for these two vans to pass from the right and i looked left and right again and started to pull out and there was this car coming from the left and he pressed really hard on his breaks, and i mean, i dunno what happened!!! i completely didn't see him, and luckily i had JUST enough time, and yea, i was saying hail marys the rest of the way home. angel of God prayers too.

    so then my day was kind of ruined. but i am MUY excited about tomorrow!!!!!

    By Blogger an attendant lord, at 8:31 PM  

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