Paul's World

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


So this is how I'm feeling at the moment. Nicole and I are starting a club. It's called the She-Woman Man Haters Club named after the Little Rascals He-Man Womans Hater Club. So you guys are more then welcome to join. I also want to say thanks for being there for me. That really means a lot and I don't know how else I would have made it otherwise!!!


  • nooooooo i had this crazy long post and then internet explorer had an error!!!!!!! alas. anyways, it said something along these lines:

    ohohoh!!! pick me, pick me!!!! actually, could i be just an honorary member for times when boys do things that make you go "wow, were you made in a stupid factory? glad i'm smart enough to be in the she-woman man haters club! and speaking of which, that reminds me of a very profound and complex poem i knew in the second grade...ahem:

    boys go to jupiter to get more stupider,
    girls go to college to get more knowledge!!

    but, we have to remember that spaghetti O probably isn't feeling the best right now either, and it's probably not the best thing to give him a reason for thinking girls are stupid. and ditto to what mairead said, don't go rebounding!!!! it all will get better!!!!! God wants all of us to be happy, and if we follow His Will and trust in Him we will be!

    on another note, darling and her guy are back together...which...i dunno. i don't think he's good for her. he never did pass my best friend/wife test. and i know darling really, really, really likes him, but...i just have a feeling if they don't end it now, it's only going to end worse later. but, sigh...maybe i'm wrong, it's a very real possibility...i hope i'm wrong anyway.

    soooooo yes!!!! i will always be there for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TE AMO AHORA Y SIEMPRE POR LOS SIGLOS Y LOS SIGLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and just to end, i have another poem (of the third grade variety this time):

    boys are made of snakes and snails and puppy dog tails,
    girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice!!!

    By Blogger an attendant lord, at 8:04 PM  

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