Paul's World

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

things that make me want to throw up...much like ******

(in no particular order)


-too much spinning

-certain ppl *cough* doing certain things *cough*

-too much homework

-making big mistakes while driving


and i'm sure there are lots more, so we must definitely keep adding on!!!!

oh, and everybody really needs names!!!! and we should probably learn them too...


  • just adding on to the list:

    * boys that are stuuupid
    * papers!!!!!!!!!
    * "talks" (you know the kind i mean!!! ;oP

    By Blogger Mandy, at 7:18 PM  

  • hahahaha!!!!

    i know very well the kind of talk you mean, and i completely agree!!!


    *public school cafeteria food

    By Blogger an attendant lord, at 8:12 PM  

  • AMEN!

    and how about this one


    (note that i am completely supportive of being a good steward, but i think you guys know what i mean)

    By Blogger an attendant lord, at 6:59 PM  

  • Ok, my turn to add another one

    * stupid ardvark that yells at you and tells you to shut up when you ask him to take out the trash and instead they go tell someone else to do it for them because apparently it's not my job to tell someone to take out the trash.

    is taking out the trash such a big deal?????
    why does he get to be exempt from cleaning up after everyone else? it's a job that was given to everyone and specifically to a couple of people. arrrghhh. he's so frusturation sometimes

    By Blogger Mandy, at 4:08 PM  

  • *not drinking enough fluids and then getting too hot!

    By Blogger an attendant lord, at 10:17 PM  

  • *spiders

    (saltine's crush asked me to add them)

    and there was something else, but now i don't remember

    By Blogger an attendant lord, at 9:17 PM  

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